the bridge

the bridge is an open-source protocol and collectively-created archive, to map & envision the most peaceful future trajectory for society, created from a multitude of perspectives. The project was publicly initiated on July 4th, 2019, by an invitation from the LA Department of Arts & Culture, to lani trock, to contribute work to a time capsule buried as part of the Fort Moore Memorial rededication ceremony. Since then, multiple iterations have been brought forth. First during Loitering is Delightful, a group exhibition at LA Municipal Art Gallery. During this workshop, co-facilitated by Celeste B. Young, participants first engaged in a walking meditation in Barnsdall Park, followed by a heart mapping and future visioning practice inside the unified field, trock’s installation in the show. 

most recently, the protocol was activated at The Philosophical Research society, again in collaboration with Celeste B. Young. By way of walking and sitting meditations, the group was invited to contemplate beautiful potentials for their life and for the collective as well.

the bridge is part of an ongoing project, the national peace service (NPS), initiated in 2017. Through radical thought experiments made into tangible, temporary expressions, the series imagines a decentralized, post-capitalist future society; one that mirrors the effortless, symbiotic flow of nature’s zero-waste, circular systems, honors each individual as essential to the collective whole, which in turn, builds a more just, equitable, loving and peaceful world.

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