Author: newearth
the bridge
the bridge is an open-source protocol and collectively-created archive, to map & envision the most peaceful future trajectory for society, created from a multitude of perspectives. The project was publicly initiated on July 4th, 2019, by an invitation from the LA Department of Arts & Culture, to lani trock, to contribute work to a time… Continue reading the bridge
visual research
open source community choir
tend to care
free food
CONTRIBUTORSlani CONCEPTfree food is an open-source protocol and an emergent artwork to explore alternative food systems. through gift economics, mutual aid, and self-sovereign community building, this protocol experiments with the de-commodification of food systems. inviting a return to backyard & sidewalk gardens and the sharing of their abundance, these communal redistribution practices reconnect us to the… Continue reading free food